Urban Wild Memory Card Game

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Urban Wild Memory Card Game 



Just like earlier versions of this game each plant was carefully selected from 15yrs of conscientiously witnessing which unintentional “weedy” medicinal plants were my most common neighboring allies. Each species was drawn from those that I personally visited & spent time learning from. This newest version includes 28 new drawings to aid in better identification & matching. Plus I've added 3 new species! 

What's included?

There are 36 cards total which highlight 18 different species of herbal medicinal plants that are commonly found within every city of the Northeastern U.S. Like most memory card games the object is to practice visual identification. This version focuses on learning leaf structure which is very important as many plants can seem ubiquitously similar. 1. Notice that there are many different shades of green on the spectrum. 2. Take note of flower color & shape, whether a plant has alternate or opposite leaves & if they have spiky, smooth or rounded edges. While each species has 2 cards, each pair includes 2 different drawings of the same species. This provides an additional challenge to the game & recognizes that when learning to identify plants you will be looking at many versions of the same species, each with subtle & sometimes not so subtle differences.

Why buy this game?

Without any previous practice or instruction plant ID can be discouragingly difficult. If you're like me I started out with the aid of plant ID guide books which can be helpful BUT, from my experience, only when you have moderate to advanced training from someone who really knows their stuff. With only 1 or 2 (if you’re lucky) images of each species & other information that can only be accessed in one way I have witnessed some of the short comings of traditional guide books & wondered if an engaging memory card game would aid the process. Sensory repetition (visual or otherwise), in for example a game, is indeed key to securing accurate identity of plants that can look frustratingly similar. It's all about sussing out the finer details.